Electronic Distance Learning Tool (eDLT)
Electronic Distance Learning Tool (eDLT) on Risk Assessment and Risk Management
The Electronic Distance Learning Tool (eDLT) on Risk Assessment and Risk Management is a web-based, interactive tool that users can access to learn more about risk assessment and risk management of chemicals. It was developed under a SAICM Quick Start Programme (QSP) project entitled, “Development of course materials and a distance learning tool for the assessment of risk from the use of chemicals to support SAICM’s capacity building efforts in developing countries” in 2010.
The project was carried out by CRI as the implementing agency, in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, Canada, Utrecht University, the Netherlands and WHO’s International Programme on Chemical Safety (WHO IPCS). The objective of the project is to make available globally-relevant training material in the area of risk assessment, risk management and toxicology through the development of distance learning course materials as well as a distance learning tool/courseware.

Professor Dr. Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol officially launched the eDLT on Risk Assessment and Risk Management, at a specially organized ceremony at WHO SEARO on February 14th, 2013. The eDLT can be accessed through the website http://www.chemDLT.com.
The eDLT website provides background information regarding the project, the 8 main modules of the eDLT (introduction, problem formulation, hazard assessment, exposure assessment, risk characterization – human health, risk characterization – ecological, risk management, and risk communication) and a guided case study module on a chemical incident, and is the access point to the eDLT for users who have been registered with CRI.
In 2014, CRI received an award as the implementing institution and on behalf of all collaborating institutions for the Most Outstanding Quick Start Programme (QSP) Project in the Asia-Pacific Region in the 4th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and related workshops, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between March 23-27.

Interested individuals and institutions should send an e-mail to [email protected] to request registration, and include in that e-mail the full names and affiliations of all individuals who will be using the eDLT.
A nominal fee of $100 USD per person is charged to cover the costs of maintaining the eDLT and Learning Management System, and a username and password will be generated and sent for each individual user for access to the eDLT through the website.
For more information on the eDLT, please visit http://www.chemDLT.com.