The Regional Chemical Help Desk
The Regional Chemical HelpDesk, or Chem HelpDesk was established as a joint-initiative between WHO SEARO and CRI, through the WHO Collaborating Center for Capacity Building and Research in Environmental Health Science and Toxicology. The aims of the Chem HelpDesk are to address the issue of the widening gap in the fields of chemical safety and chemicals management between developed and developing countries, and to empower countries in the South-East Asia Region to manage the import, manufacture and processing, storage, distribution, transport, use, recycling and disposal of chemicals, in ways that minimize significant adverse impacts on health and the environment.

The Chem HelpDesk does this by providing basic cost-free advice on technical questions, sources of expertise, policy guidance, capacity building opportunities, guidelines and funding related to chemical safety, as well as news related to chemicals management and chemical incidents from around the world, through a website developed, operated and maintained by CRI and supported by a Community of Practice. Questions may be related to Toxicology or Ecotoxicology; international programs and activities related to chemical safety and chemicals management; funding opportunities; best practices related to chemical safety and chemicals management; national and international opportunities for collaboration; Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs); and enhancing sustainability of capacity for chemicals management.

The weblog can be accessed at, with registered users from the health, environmental and agricultural sectors of the SEAR member countries.
For more information, please contact [email protected] or download Brochure.