Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry

Director: Professor Emeritus Dr. Somsak Ruchirawat
The incidence of COVID-19 has provided ample evidence on the fragile nature of the human health systems throughout the world. Without a plausible preparation to properly handle one of the worst pandemics in history, COVID-19 has exposed our weaknesses—no effective antiviral and other necessary drugs to treat the infection. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic also highlights Thailand’s long-standing problem on drug security as all active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for clinically used drugs are imports. Thailand has yet to establish a successful program in process chemistry which is critical for the industrial production of APIs.
Our laboratory has long recognized the importance of research in drug discovery and development not only to better the quality of life but also, perhaps more importantly, to timely respond to the immediate human health challenges or emergencies. With the intertwining nature of research interests in our laboratory, the research activities are classified into five main areas:
Over the years, publishing in highly-coveted journals in the related fields has been achieved in those with high impact factors which corroborate the standards of our research work. Moreover, our published articles have been highlighted as journal covers, frontispieces, or supplementary covers by these renowned high-ranking journals regularly to promote not only the academic excellence but also Thai culture featuring on these covers. In addition, some patents have also been filed nationally.