Activation of inflammation/NF-kappaB signaling in infants born to arsenic-exposed mothers. Fry RC, Navasumrit P, Valiathan C, Svensson JP, Hogan BJ, Luo M, Bhattacharya S, Kandjanapa K, Soontararuks S, Nookabkaew S, Mahidol C, Ruchirawat M, Samson LD PLoS Genet 2007; 3: 2180-9.

03 Nov 2007

Activation of inflammation/NF-kappaB signaling in infants born to arsenic-exposed mothers.
Fry RC, Navasumrit P, Valiathan C, Svensson JP, Hogan BJ, Luo M, Bhattacharya S, Kandjanapa K, Soontararuks S, Nookabkaew S, Mahidol C, Ruchirawat M, Samson LD
PLoS Genet 2007; 3: 2180-9.


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