Andrographis paniculata extracts and major constituent diterpenoids inhibit growth of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Suriyo T, Pholphana N, Rangkadilok N, Thiantanawat A, Watcharasit P, Satayavivad J Planta Med 2014; 80(7): 533-43.

01 May 2014

Andrographis paniculata extracts and major constituent diterpenoids inhibit growth of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.
Suriyo T, Pholphana N, Rangkadilok N, Thiantanawat A, Watcharasit P, Satayavivad J
Planta Med 2014; 80(7): 533-43.


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