Gene cloning and characterization of a novel highly organic solvent tolerant lipase from Proteus sp. SW1 and its application for biodiesel production. Whangsuk W, Sungkeeree P, Thiengmag S, Kerdwong J, Sallabhan R, Mongkolsuk S, Loprasert S Mol Biotechnol53p55-62(2013 Jan)

28 Dec 2013

Gene cloning and characterization of a novel highly organic solvent tolerant lipase from Proteus sp. SW1 and its application for biodiesel production.
Whangsuk W, Sungkeeree P, Thiengmag S, Kerdwong J, Sallabhan R, Mongkolsuk S, Loprasert S
Mol Biotechnol53p55-62(2013 Jan)


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