Identifying important life stages for monitoring and assessing risks from exposures to environmental contaminants: Results of a World Health Organization review. Cohen Hubal, E. A., de Wet, T., Du Toit, L., Firestone, M. P., Ruchirawat, M., van Engelen, J., & Vickers, C. (2014). Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 69(1), 113-124.

28 Dec 2014

Identifying important life stages for monitoring and assessing risks from exposures to environmental contaminants: Results of a World Health Organization review.
Cohen Hubal, E. A., de Wet, T., Du Toit, L., Firestone, M. P., Ruchirawat, M., van Engelen, J., & Vickers, C. (2014).
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 69(1), 113-124.


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