Kanchanapoom, T.; Chimnoi, N.; Maliwong, J.; Sahakitpichan, P.; Ruchirawat, S. Mass Spectrometry Guided Isolation of Chlorinated Aromatic Glycosides from the Tubers of Hypoxis aure. Phytochem. Lett. 2021, 44, 14-22.

01 Aug 2021

Kanchanapoom, T.; Chimnoi, N.; Maliwong, J.; Sahakitpichan, P.; Ruchirawat, S. Mass Spectrometry Guided Isolation of Chlorinated Aromatic Glycosides from the Tubers of Hypoxis aure. Phytochem. Lett. 2021, 44, 14-22.


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