Periodontal disease and FAM20A mutations. Kantaputra PN*, Bongkochwilawan C, Lubinsky M, Pata S, Kaewgahya M, Tong HJ, Ketudat Cairns JR, Guven Y, Chaisrisookumporn N. J Hum Genet 2017;62(7):679-86.

01 Jul 2017

Periodontal disease and FAM20A mutations.

Kantaputra PN*, Bongkochwilawan C, Lubinsky M, Pata S, Kaewgahya M, Tong HJ, Ketudat Cairns JR, Guven Y, Chaisrisookumporn N.

J Hum Genet 2017;62(7):679-86.


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