Prediction of the binding interface between monoclonal antibody m102.4 and Nipah attachment glycoprotein using structure-guided alanine scanning and computational docking. Tit-Oon P, Tharakaraman K, Artpradit C, Godavarthi A, Sungkeeree P, Sasisekharan V, Kerdwong J, Miller NL, Mahajan B, Khongmanee A, Ruchirawat M, Sasisekharan R, Fuangthong M. Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 26;10(1):18256.

28 Dec 2020

Prediction of the binding interface between monoclonal antibody m102.4 and Nipah attachment glycoprotein using structure-guided alanine scanning and computational docking.

Tit-Oon P, Tharakaraman K, Artpradit C, Godavarthi A, Sungkeeree P, Sasisekharan V, Kerdwong J, Miller NL, Mahajan B, Khongmanee A, Ruchirawat M, Sasisekharan R, Fuangthong M.

Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 26;10(1):18256.


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