Proteomic analysis of cholangiocarcinoma cell line. Srisomsap C*, Sawangareetrakul P, Subhasitanont P, Panichakul T, Keeratichamroen S, Lirdprapamongkol K, Chokchaichamnankit D, Sirisinha S, Svasti J. Proteomics. 2004 Apr;4(4):1135-44.

01 Apr 2004

Proteomic analysis of cholangiocarcinoma cell line.

Srisomsap C*, Sawangareetrakul P, Subhasitanont P, Panichakul T, Keeratichamroen S, Lirdprapamongkol K, Chokchaichamnankit D, Sirisinha S, Svasti J.

Proteomics. 2004 Apr;4(4):1135-44.


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