The impact of a low dose, low volume, multi-site immunization on the production of therapeutic antivenoms in Thailand. Sriprapat S, Aeksowan S, Sapsutthipas S, Chotwiwatthanakun C, Suttijitpaisal P, Pratanaphon R, Khow O, Sitprija V, Ratanabanangkoon K Toxicon41p57-64(2003 Jan)

28 Jan 2003

The impact of a low dose, low volume, multi-site immunization on the production of therapeutic antivenoms in Thailand.
Sriprapat S, Aeksowan S, Sapsutthipas S, Chotwiwatthanakun C, Suttijitpaisal P, Pratanaphon R, Khow O, Sitprija V, Ratanabanangkoon K
Toxicon41p57-64(2003 Jan)


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