Tumor-associated macrophages trigger MAIT cell dysfunction at the HCC invasive margin

20 Sep 2023

Tumor-associated macrophages trigger MAIT cell dysfunction at the HCC invasive margin

Ruf B, Bruhns M, Babaei S, Kedei N, Ma L, Revsine M, Benmebarek M, Ma C, Heinrich B,Subramanyam V, Qi J, Wabitsch S, Green BL, Bauer KC, Myojin Y, Greten LT, McCallen JD, Huang P, Trehan R, Wang X,
Nur A, Murphy Soika DQ, Pouzolles M, Evans CN, Chari R, Kleiner DE, Telford W, Dadkhah K, Ruchinskas A, Stovroff MK, Kang J, Oza K, Ruchirawat M, Kroemer A, Wang XW, Claassen M, Korangy F, Greten TF

Cell. 2023;186(17):3686-705.


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