Dr. Anyaporn Chailert

Name: Dr. Anyaporn Chailert

Research Experience (Specialties): Cell and Molecular Biology
2006-2007 B.A. (Biology), Kasetsart University
2007 B.A. (Major: Biological Science Minor: Chemistry), Mt Holyoke College, MA, USA.
2011 Ph.D. (Biochemistry), University of Bristol, UK.
2004 Summa Cum Laude (graduated with highest honor), Worcester Academy
2005 Margaret Andrew Winter 35 Endowed scholarship for summer research, Mt Holyoke College.
2006 Independent Study Grant, Mt Holyoke College
2009 Conference Grant, University of Bristol
2002 – 2011 Development and Promotion of Science and Technology (DPST) scholarship, The Royal Thai Government.
2012 – present Chulabhorn Research Institute grant.
Work Activities
2006–2007 Lab-prep Assistant, Mt Holyoke College
2007–2010 Laboratory Demonstrator/mentor. University of Bristol
2011- 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Collaboration project between University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, and Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital
2012-present Visiting Lecturer, Biology, Gifted Program: Benjamarachanusorn School
2012-present Visiting Lecturer, Biology, English Program: Yothinburana School
2013 Visiting Lecturer, Cell Biology of Aging in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine Program, Dhurakit Pundit University.
2011-present Researcher, Chemical Carcinogenesis laboratory,Chulabhorn Research Institute
Philip Kitchen, Danielle Clark, Ka Ying Lee,Jomnarong Lertsuwan, Anyaporn Sawasdichai, Sebastien Olteam4, Simon Afford, Jutamaad Satayavivad,Kevin Gaston and Padma-Sheela Jayaraman. Poster Presentation: PRH as a potential driver of cholangiocarcinoma.Cholangiocarcinoma. Foundation Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utha , Jan 31- Feb 2, 2018.
Ka Ying Lee, Philip Kitchen, Danielle Clark, Jomnarong Lertsuwan, Anyaporn Sawasdichai, , Sebastian Oltean, Juatamaad Satayavivad, Simon Afford, Kevin Gaston and Padma-Sheela Jayaraman. Abstract: Proline Rich Homeodomain protein is required for cholangiocarcinoma tumour growth. European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), Amsterdam. 2018.
Sawasdichai. A., George S.J., Gaston, K (2013). The regulation of Vascularsmooth muscle cell proliferation and migration by PRH. In progress.
Noy. P., Sawasdichai. A., Jayaraman, P.S. and Gaston, K. (2012). CK2 inactivates PRH/Hhex using multiple mechanisms to derepress VEGF signalling and promote cell survival. Nucleic Acids Research, 40:9008-9020.
Sawasdichai. A., Chen. H.T., Abdul Hamid. N., Jayaraman P.S., Gaston, K (2010). In situ Subcellular Fractionation of Adherent and Non-adherent Mammalian Cells. J Vis Exp. 41.
Soufi, A., Sawasdichai, A., Dafforn, T., Smith, C., Jayaraman, P.S., and Gaston, K (2010) DNA compaction by the higher-order assembly of Proline-Rich Homeodomain protein oligomers. Nucleic Acids Research, 38(21): 7513–7525.
Noy, P., Williams, H., Sawasdichai, A., Gaston, K., and Jayaraman P.S.(2010) PRH/HHex controls cell survival through coordinate transcriptional regulation of VEGF signalling. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 30:2120-34.
Soufi, A., Noy, P., Buckle, M., Sawasdichai, A., Gaston, K., and Jayaraman, P.S. (2009) CK2 phosphorylation of the PRH/Hex homeodomain functions as a reversible switch for DNA binding. Nucleic Acids Research, 37: 3288-300.