
Scientific and technological research is vital to national development. Breakthroughs in science and technology have a significant impact on all aspects of the economy. The scientific and technical capabilities of Thailand need to be strengthened to support the aspirations and developmental goals of the country. Although much effort has been made in recent years to provide more resources for research and development activities, the Kingdom’s institutes of higher learning still face the problems of limited research funds, lack of modem equipment and shortage of high caliber, experienced scientists and engineers. A strategy to overcome this constraint is to direct available resources to selected priority areas of research and development, which are of importance to the nation.

In 1987 , the auspicious year in which all Thais celebrated His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 60th birthday, Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn established the Chulabhorn Research Institute in honor of His Majesty the king, one of the objectives being to provide research facilities for projects initiated by His Majesty the King.
Through these programs, training courses, seminars, symposia, workshops and conferences are organized to promote the exchange of knowledge and the dissemination of information to assist local scientists to keep abreast with new developments and to strengthen regional and international co-operation. Thus, CRI collaborated and maintains contact with scientific institutions and international agencies with the air of furthering scientific exchange and international cooperation in areas that correspond to the interests and objectives of the Institute.