CRI’s Institute Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is the oversight body for monitoring and enforcing all animal care and use activities in accordance with CRI’s Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP), policies and standard operating procedures, as well as principles and guidelines in Animals for Scientific Purposes Act, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed. (US National Research Council) and the Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (National Research Council of Thailand).
The committee comprises CRI animal researchers, non-laboratory animal researchers, veterinarians, statistician, non-scientists and non-affiliated. New IACUC members must attend a minimum of at least one IACUC training program. All IACUC members are encouraged to attend the aforementioned training once every two years thereafter. Continued IACUC training/updating, in the form of relevant articles and discussions, is conducted during IACUC meetings.
The Role of the IACUC include reviews the animal care and use program and conducts animal facility inspections, review animal use protocols and significant changes to the use of animals in ongoing activities, monitor post approval animal protocols and prepare reports to the IO of the IACUC evaluations and recommendations.The IACUC generally meets once a month but no less than once every 6 months. The frequency depends, in part, on the number of animal protocols submitted for review.