The animal facility is located at the Chulabhorn Research Institute. The facility is housed in one separate 5-storey building that is connected to the Biomedical Research Building on the Mezzanine and 2nd floors at the ends of 2 wings. The total area is approximately 2,660 square meters. The animal facility is a clean conventional facility. There are separate corridors designated as clean or dirty, and a 1-way workflow through the animal rooms. The ground floor is an open lobby external to the building. The Mezzanine floor is a support area for the building that contains the cage wash area, feed and bedding storage areas, drinking water preparation area, animal receiving room, and laundry area. It also houses the air handling units that serve the Mezzanine floor. The second floor is for general animal research. The third floor is non- clinical GLP study facility. The fourth floor is for inhalation toxicology. The fifth floor houses the air handling units that serve the second, third and fourth floors. Access to the building is restricted to only those who are conducting work in the LAC, which includes LAC personnel, researchers and maintenance personnel.