Prof. Dr. Pattana Srifah
Staff - Biotechnology
01 Feb 2023
Name: Prof. Dr. Pattana Srifah
Office address: Research Laboratory of Biotechnology, Chulabhorn Research Institute,
54 Kamphaeng Phet 6 Talat Bang Khen, Lak Si, Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel: +662-5538555 ext. 3265 (office)
Positions: Research Scientist III, Research Laboratory of Biotechnology, Chulabhorn Research Institute
E-mail: [email protected]
Research Experience (Specialties)
Plant genetic engineering and Molecular genetic in plant
Education and Degrees
- 1975-1978 B.Sc. (Plant Pathology) Kasetsart University Thailand
- 1978-1981 M.Sc. (Microbiology) Kasetsart University Thailand
- 1988-1991 Ph D. (Virology) Australian NationalUniversity Australia
- 2009 Innovative Awards, Kasetsart University
- 2010 Research Invention Awards, National Research Council of Thailand
- 2014 Thailand Toray Science Foundation (TTSF)
- 2023 Outstanding Kasetsart University Alumni
Training Workshop
- 1983 Training at Asian Vegetable Development Center, Tainan, Taiwan, on Vegetable diseases for 2 months
- 1985 Training at Akita Prefectural College of Agriculture, Akita Prefecture, Japan on Monoclonal antibody technics for plant virus research for 2 months
- 1992 Training at Department of Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Agrobiological Resources, Tsukuba, Japan on Genomoic study of floricaula gene, FLO (flower tissue specific) of rice and gene transformation of rice using electroporation for 4 months
- 2010 Proteomic analysis, Max Planck Institue fro Biology of Ageing, Germany for 5 days
- Bhinija, K., Huehne, P. S., Mongkolsuk, S., Sitthimonchai, S., Satayavivad, J.. A short-chain dehydrogenese/reductase (SDR) detection for the isoflavone reductase gene in Bulbophyllum and other orchids. South African Journal of Botany 144 (2022) 295-304
- Bhinija, K., Huehne, P. S., Prawat, H., Ruchirawat, S. The rhizome of Bulbophylllum orchid is the rich source of cytotoxic bioactive compounds, a potential anticancer agent. South African Journal of Botany 141: 367-372.
- Panjaworayan, Nattanan, T-Thienprasert , Jiraroj, Ruangtong , Jittiporn, Jaithon, Thitiradsadakorn, Huehne, P.S., Piasai, Onuma. Large scale synthesis of green synthesized Zinc Oxide nanoparticles from banana peel extracts and their inhibitory effects against Colletotrichum, Isolate KUFC 021, causal agent of anthracnose on Dendrobium orchid. Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2021, Article ID 5625199, 10 pages.
- Lokkamlue N. and Huehne P. S. (2020). Analyses of accumulation pattern of 1- aminocyclopropane -1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO) and ethylene response sensor (ERS) transcripts fully-opened flower and emasculation in flower development of Vanda Miss Joaquim. Science and Technology Asia. 25(2):112-22.
- Pangjai, Wuthipong, Huehne, Pattana Srifah. 2021. Gramma-ray induced morphological changes in rain Lily (Zephyranthes) Khon Kaen. Agriculture Journal. 49 (3): 643-655. https://doi:10:10.14456/kaj.2021.57.
- Huehne P.S., Bhinija K., Srisomsap C., Chokchaichamnankit D., Weeraphan, C., Svasti J., Mongkolsuk S. Detection of super oxide dismutase (CU-Zn) isoenzymes in leaves and pseudobulbs of Bulbophyllum morphologlorum Kraenzl orchid by comparative proteomic analysis. Biochem Biophys Rep. 22: 100762.
- Niyomtham, Krittiya, Bhinija, Kisana, Huehne, P.S.. 2018. A direct gene transferring system for Oncidium orchids, a difficult crop for genetic transformation. Agriculture and Natural Resources. 52(5): 424–429.
- Kaewphalug,W. Huehne, P.S., Sriboonlert, A. 2016. Characterization of CONSTANS-like gene from pigeon orchid (Dendrobium crumenatum Swartz) and its expression under different photoperiod conditions. The Horticulture Journal doi: 10.2503/hortj.MI-123
- Pangjai, W., Huehne, P.S. An analysis of cis-acting regulatory elements related to light response in the 5′ flanking region of the Ascocenda and Dendrobium actin genes Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science) 49:174–187.
- Pangjai, W., Huehne, P.S. The variable amino acid sequences in the S-loop and target binding site of the vegetative actin from the Ascocenda orchid flower. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 24(4):408–416. Doi:10.1007/s13562-014-0291-5.
- Petchthai, U., Anchalee, C., Hunhne, P.S. Recovery of virus-infected Dendrobium orchids by constitutive expression of the cymbidium mosaic virus coat protein gene. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 120:597–606. Doi:10.1007/s11240-014-0626-x.
- Petchthai, U., Peng, D., Huehne, P. S. The bias in small RNA profiles between symptomless Dendrobium and severe symptom Ascocenda orchids infected long-term with Cymbidium mosaic virus. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter (Plant Mol Biol Rep) 33:819–828. Doi:10.1007/s11105-014-0780-7.
- Peyachoknagul, S., Mongkolsiriwatana, C., Wannapinpong, S., Huehne, P.S., Srikulnatha, K. 2014. Identification of native Dendrobium species in Thailand by PCR-RFLP of rDNA-ITS and chloroplast DNA. ScienceAsia 40, 113–120. doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2014.40.113
- Patipipat, P., Bhinija, K., Wongkhamprai, B., Hunhne, P. S. Molecular cloning of arsenate reductase and phytochelatin synthase genes related to arsenic response in Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica cv. Khao Dawk Mali 105. Thai J. Genet. 7(1), 41–50.
- Lokkamlue, N., Huehne, P. S. 2013. Molecular Biology of Vanda Miss Joaquim 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase gene from the most ethylene-sensitive orchid flower. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology. 7 (2), 338-352.
- Lokkamlue, N., Huehne, P.S. Sequence Analysis of Ethylene Response Sensor Gene isolated from Vanda Miss Joaquim Flowers. Kasetsart Journal: Natural Science 47(2), 271-284.
- Mohamad, Z.A., Chokchaichamnankit, D., Bhinija , K., Monique, N., Paricharttanakul, N. M., Svasti, J., Huehne, P. S., Srisomsap, C. 2013. Proteomic level changes in the root of Brassica alboglabra induced by alachor herbicide. African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (20), 2840-2849.
- Jantasuriyarat, C., Ritchuay, S., Pattarawat , P., Huehne, P.S., Kate-Ngam, S,. 2012. Development and transferability of EST-SSR and transferability of genomic SSR markers for genetic diversity assessment of Doritis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 45, 57-65.
- Huehne, P. S., Bhinija, K. 2012. Application of cryoprotectants to improve low temperature storage survival of orchid seeds. Scientia Horticulterae 135, 186-193.
- Wongkhamprai, B., Sangsavang, K. , Sriboonlert, A., Huehne, P. S. Efficiency of Agrobacterium transformation of pinene synthase gene isolated from kaffir lime in Arabidopsis thaliana. Thai Journal of Genetics 4(2), 85-93.
- Mohamad, Z.A., Chokchaichamnankit, D., Bhinija , K., Paricharttanakul, N. M., Svasti, J., Huehne, P. S., Srisomsap, C. 2011. Proteomic analysis of Chinese kale ( alboglabra) leaves during growth. Journal of Integrated Omics 1, 102-107.
- Lertwiriyawong, B., Bhinija, K., Huehne, P.S. Sequence Analysis of the 16SrRNA–rps12 Inverted Repeat Region in Chloroplast DNA of Dendrobium orchids . Kasetsart Journal – Natural Science 45, 461-72.
- Lertwiriyawong, B., Pinthong, K., Chanpaisaeng, J., Saksoong, P., Huehne, P.S. Analysis of the insecticidal crystal gene type 1 of Bacillus thuringiensis Thai isolates affecting lepidopterans. ScienceAsia 36, 271–279. doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2010.36.271
- Sintuprapa, W., Theeragool, G., Yongmanitchai, W., Huehne, P.S., Matsushita, K. 2008 Molecular taxonomy of acetobacter syzygii SKU19 and characterization of its acetic acid adapted strains. Kasetsart Journal – Natural Science 42, 701-14.
- Suwanaketchanatit, C., Piluek, J., Peyachoknagul, S., Huehne, P.S. High efficiency of stable genetic transformation in Dendrobium orchid via microprojectile bombardment. Biologia Plantarum 51, 720-727.
- Suwanaketchanatit, C., Chaisuk, P., Piluek, J., Peyachoknagul, S., Huehne, P.S. Evaluation of constitutive promoters for gene expression in Dendrobium protocorms and flowers. Kasetsart Journal (Nat. Sci.) 40, 934-943.
- Huehne, P.S., Rungroj N., Keeratiyaangul, S. 2006. Identification of the conserved sequences at the species level of odontoglossum ringspot virus and other members of tobamoviruses by its coat protein sequence analysis. Kasetsart Journal (Nat. Sci.) 40(2), 376-387.
- Huehne, P.S., Eurjirapongpun, P., Jampatong, C. 2006. Transformation of chitinase gene in Thai sweet corn inbred lines using particle bombardment and Agriculture Sci. J. 37(4), 375-384.
- Bhinija, K., Ruengverayut, S., Loprasert, S., Huehne, P.S. Development of a minimal medium to prolong the subculturing period of Vanda, dendrobium and Coelogyne orchids in vitro. Agriculture Sci. J. 35(3-4), 97-103.
- Arayaskul, N, Srifah, P., Piluek, C. 2003. Detection of potexvirus and tobamovirus causing diseases in orchids. Agriculture Sci. J. 33(4-5), 173-186.
- Adams, R.P., Zhong, M., Srifah, P., Sanduen, N. 1999. DNA Genetics Diversity and Systematics of Vetiveria zizanioides (Poaceae). Phytologia 85, 85-95.
- Srifah, P., Loprasert, S., Rungrol, N. 1996. Use of Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction for Cloning of Coat Protein-encoding Genes of Cymbidium Mosaic Virus. Gene. 179, 105-107.
- Srifah, P., KEESE, P., Weiller, G., Gibbs, A. 1992. Comparisons of the Genomic Sequences of Erysimum Latent Virus and other Tymoviruses. Journal of General Virology. 73, 1437-1447.
- Gibbs, A., Gibbs, J., Mackenzie, A., Mo, J.S., Osorio-Keese, M., Srifah, P., Torronen, M., Weiller, G. 1991 The molecular phylogenetic of the virion protein of Tymoviruses. Virology
- Ding, S, Howe, J, Keese, P., Mackenzie, A., Skotnicki, M., Srifah, P., Torronen, M., Gibbs, A. 1990. The Tymobox, a sequence shared by most tymoviruses: its use in molecular studies of Tymoviruses. Nucleic Acids Research. 18, 1181-1187.
- Gibbs, A., Ding, S, Howe, J, Keese, P., Mackenzie, A., Skotnicki, M., Srifah, P., Torronen, M. 1990. Old versus new characters for systematic: Cautionary tales from virology. Aust. Syst. Bot. 3, 159-163.